Responding to the call of the Spirit, I, ______________________________________________, willingly enter into a covenant of affiliation relationship with the Sisters For Christian Community as a step toward full membership.
I understand Sisters For Christian Community to be a collegial, contemporary and ecumenical community united by mutual concern and communication, as well as commitment to promoting the growth of Christian community through diverse ministries.
Grateful to the God who leads me to share the vision and charism of Sisters For Christian Community, I welcome this formal affiliation as an opportunity to explore the SFCC vision, mission, structure and process through continued prayer, contemplation, study and participation.
Trusting in the prayerful support, the authentic spirituality and the hospitality of Sisters For Christian Community who journey with me, most especially my mentor(s), I enter into this covenant of affiliation as a sacred adventure into a future full of hope.
_____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
Signature of Affiliate Signature SFCC mentor(s)
_________________________ Other SFCC Signatures
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Mantua, NJ 08051